Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Monday, 25 March 2013
The April BCU Sprint Regatta
Monday, 18 March 2013
Elmbridge Half Marathon 31 March
There are two traditional races held over Easter*. Besides the Richmond Sprints the Elmbridge Junior Half Marathon is not to be missed.
The race is open for all juniors up to 16 years of age and runs from Wey Kayak Club to the Thames Lock at Weybridge (followed by a short paddle around the corner to Elmbridge Canoe Club for showers and refreshments). This year is the 25th Anniversary and to celebrate I hear that all finishers will receive a souvenir T-Shirt. I expect there will be also be the customary Easter egg prizes!
Details here
*OK, there is a third race. Sit on the steps at Elmbridge when you have finished and clap them as they go by!
Friday, 15 March 2013
Rio Games

Full story here
Thursday, 14 March 2013
The Magic of ABBA - Charity fundraising event
The Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Group (Guildford), based at the Samson Centre, is a self-funded charity dedicated to the support of people with Multiple Sclerosis and their carers. There are around 135 members who receive weekly physiotherapy, gym sessions and oxygen therapy to help alleviate their symptoms. This treatment, which unfortunately is not available from the NHS, is provided with no assistance from any government body and is funded solely through fundraising. Although they have over 20 people who volunteer to help them, each year they need to raise in excess of £180,000 to pay for Physiotherapists and Gym Instructors, and the other costs involved in running the centre.
Tickets are on sale now at G Live.
This event will kick-start the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the Samson Centre project and we would be delighted to see as many people there as possible.
The GWC 400 Club draw
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Paddlers and Parents Meeting
For everyone who wants to find out more about how to get involved in racing this year, Mike Childerstone is holding a short meeting next Saturday lunchtime at 12.00. The kitchen will be open so come down and find out how to get to the races you would like to do while sipping a mug of fresh coffee and nibbling on a bacon butty.
See the diary for a list of upcoming races.
Club Redevelopment - Club Fundraising
Planning permission has been lodged with Guildford Borough Council to enlarged the gym, hall, storage, boat racking, changing facilities, toilet facilities and parking.
The Committee will be applying for grants and funds for the development, plus all Clubs will have to fundraise as well. If you want to help and you have fundraising knowledge, experience, ideas, contacts or time and energy to help. Do get in touch with Sonja at fundraising@weykayak.co.uk
Please look at the WKC Fundraising page for exisiting ways to help - more ideas coming soon (click on tab marked Club, then Fundraising).
In the meanwhile, if you haven't joined the 400 Club, please do consider it. You may win the monthly draw!
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Club Trophy Winners!
Chairman’s Trophy for International Sprint Racing |
Liam Heath |
Caterham Trophy for International Marathon Racing |
Jon Simmons |
A at
Rachel Cawthorn |
B at
Joe Beevers |
U18 at
Peter Bannister |
U16 at
Jack Childerstone |
Ladies Trophy |
Fay Lamph |
Best Teamboat |
Jack Childerstone & Ed Haws |
Trophy for
Ed Haws |
Veteran’s Trophy |
Peter Gorman |
Eric Jamieson Canoe Trophy |
Max Jamieson |
Most Improved Paddler |
Oliver Banks |
Best Newcomer |
Jack Oliver |
39th Army Youth Trophy for best helper on the water |
Clive Johnson |
Amanda Childerstone |
Finch Trophy
Rob Green |
Fish Award |
Charlie Welch & Peter Bannister |
Sports Personality Award |
Liam Heath |